
The Minority Studies Society “Studii Romani” is created in 1991 and is one of the first Non-governmental organizations in Bulgaria after the changes in Eastern Europe.

The Minority Studies Society “Studii Romani” is founded by a group of scholars from the spheres of the social and humanitarian sciences. The main priority of its activity is the research of the various ethnic, ethno-religious and ethno-cultural minority communities in Bulgaria and on the Balkans, as well as in wider frames.  

During the years the Minority Studies Society “Studii Romani” has realized numerous projects in different research field and directions, some of which in collaboration with European Research Centres and Networks. The results of its activity were presented at numerous academic forums, and its publications have their place in the libraries around the world.

The Society is guided by Board of Directors, which includes: Elena Marushiakova (Chair), Vesselin Popov (Co-Chair), Ivan Boev.


Current projects:

CampUS Culturae. Supported by Culture Programme 2007-2013.

In Partnership with University of Santiago de Compostela & CHE Consult GmbH (Dortmund) & University of Lodz & Ponte... nas ondas! (Ganfei) & Institute of Foreign Languages at University of Iceland (Reykjavik).

Site of the project:


Products from our activities:

1. Presentation of ethnographic photo-exhibition: Leipzig (2013), Lodz (2013), Porto (2014), Santiago de Compostela (2014), Reykjavik (2014), Sofia (2015)

2. Catalogue books of the exhibition:

- Marushiakova, Elena and Vesselin Popov. 2012. Roma Culture in Past and Present. Catalogue. Sofia: Paradigma.

- Marushiakova, Elena and Vesselin Popov. 2012. La cultura étnica de los Gitanos (Roma): Pasado y presente. Catálogo. Sofia: Paradigma.

- Marushiakova, Elena and Vesselin Popov. 2012. I Romani etnokultura: Paluptnipe thaj akana. Katalogo. Sofia: Paradigma.

- Марушиакова, Елена и Веселин Попов. 2012. Ромската етнокултура: Mинало и настояще. Каталог.. София: Прадигма.

3. Romani Kids’ Publications Multimedia (English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Romani Language).

The multimedia “Romani Kids’ Publications” presenting books and other publications for Roma children, shows a variety of publications written in Romani and in other (majority) languages, and published in 20 countries. The general idea of the multimedia is to demonstrate that books and other reading materials for Romani kids are part of the literary scene with diversity of genres, authors, and topics in many countries across Europe. It is produced in 4 languages: English, Spanish, Bulgarian, and Romani Language.

The multimedia is presented and distributed within the book-fairs in Leipzig (2013), Frankfurt (2015) and Bologna (2016).

Bibliographies: Roma Literature, Serbia, USSR.